Apple Trees For Sale in Snohomish

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Apples to grow, taste, make Streudel with or drink cider from. Numbers always impress me; with every apple seed producing a new variety (with an affixed name) we (those who eat apples and throw cores with seeds) would have hundreds and thousands of varieties today. Historically, I have heard there were 16000 named varieties once. WOW! Who was keeping track! I mean taste comparisons and everything. Today as I hear, there are 4000 in the UK and 4000 in the U.S. The Apples of New York is a major historical compendium of apples grown and named published ~1900. With that and the concommitant ubiquity that comes with supermarkets, we have 10 or 20 named apples to taste.

Flavors: One problem is when there are many apple varieties stored in the same cooler. Here they exchange gases/ aromas causing every apple to taste like it’s neighbor. Hmm, what to do? Have the fruit in airtight compartments and…

Grow your own! With a bit of soil-for instance-a spot along a favorite path, a neighbors’ wild back fourty, a freeway edge or a 15 gallon patio pot, you can grow beautiful fruit.

Cosmic CrispCosmic Crisp 2019
Here is ‘Cosmic Crisp’, it’s 1st year on the market! A tough apple as it has Enterprise in it’s breeding. Why I like apples is because I can eat one-a-day right into May -just before the native Salmonberry ripen. A ready-made and packaged succulent dessert.

Why grow more than one kind? #1 reason-pollination: Most apple trees need a mate for pollinating. One kind of apple that doesn’t pollinate and sets is a Triploid, 3 chromosome pairs. Ploidy refers to chromosomal counts. There are Diploid and Triploid apple varieties – two kinds of apple trees that will not pollinate each other. Curiously a Triploid can produce fruit all alone without pollination, diploids never do that. Diploids always need another diploid.

To have seasonal apples like beginning in July with Blueberries and finishing the next year in May, you will need a minimum of 2 trees and want 6 or 7 varieties to capture the range of flavors and seasonality.

2 apple trees only? Try these pairs:

Liberty and Enterprise: Late September and Late October, storing until May, easy, very productive.

Honeycrisp and Fuji: Mid September and Mid October, storing until March, very productive, requires more care.

Crimson Crisp and Topaz: Late September and Late October, storing until January, productive, very crisp some tange (Topaz) and attractive. Easy growers.

Zestar! and Sansa: Mid August and Early September, storing until October, Sweet and more sweet.

Alkmene and Suncrisp: Mid September and Mid October, storing until January, ‘they got the flavor’, red and gold.

William’s Pride and Wynoochee Early: Mid August, dynamic duo, keeps until November, super early, no bugs, fine and appley, favorite at the market.

Akane and Tsugaru: Late August and late September, keeps until November, did I say red? Very red, tangy and sweet, Japanese favorites, as are Hatsuaki and Mutsu.

Fortune and Goldrush: Late October. Why head west? Storing until May, tangy until January, my favorites.

Fiesta and Corail: Late September and Mid October. Partytime! Storing until March, complex and delightful.

Gala and Braeburn: Early and late October, stores until May, productive, favorites, scab in wet springs.

Macoun and Melrose: Early and late October, stores until January, East coast favorites, what an apple should be, somewhat scab-prone.

Pristine and Jonamac: Mid August and late September, keeps until January, crispy, light, all purpose, easy.

Priscilla and Loki: Late September and Late October, keeps until March, firm doers, Loki is our named fav.

Now for the triploids (infertile pollen) when you still need 2 diploids (above) to pollenize each other. Triploids are very vigorous and offer some great flavors and are favorites for baking.

Jonagold: Blindfold taste test winner before Honeycrisp, stores until March, consistent bearing.

Belle de Boskoop: Stores until April, streudel star, large, russet, a broad tree, tangy Dutch favorite.

Elstar: Mid September, keeps until November, another Dutch favorite, pies!, sauce, fresh too, some scab.

Gravenstein: Mid August, keeps until October, farmhouse favorite, all purpose, juicy and delicious.

Zabergau Reinette: Early October, keeps through November, Dutch favorite, complex, cider, all purpose.

Claygate Pearmain: Early October, like Zabergau, firmer, fresh eating, juicy and rich flavored Russet.

Bramley’s Seedling: Late September, keeps until February, UK #1 baker, like Granny Smith, green and sour, large like a grapefruit, no scab.

Ashmead’s Kernel: Mast acid, tangy